Helping Nature Store Our Water

Community Strategic Plan

This Community Strategic Plan for the San Bernardino Valley Water Conservation District (“District”) was originally developed during 2012 and early 2013 built on the Board’s 2010 Strategic Plan. The purpose of the update was to assess progress from the 2010 plan and to evaluate certain elements of the 2010 plan for community support and financial feasibility. 

2024 Community Strategic Planning Processsbvwcd strategic plan

The District has completed a five-year strategic plan update that builds upon its 115+ years of stewardship of the Upper Santa Ana River Wash and the aquifer beneath it. The result is a shared vision that includes a renewed mission, vision, values, goals, and objectives. The Strategic Plan 2024–2028 focuses on meeting the increasing complexities of managing extreme drought and flooding to protect the precious resources that we rely upon. It will also help reach key milestones while remaining flexible enough to leverage new opportunities and manage risks.

Download the 2024 Community Strategic Plan